Friday, 16 September 2016

The Importance of 3D Interior and 3D Exterior Rendering to Architecture

During the present scenario and even in the upcoming years, as the technology is expanding and new concepts are coming in to the picture, making revolution in the stream of Architecture and Building construction are evolving day by day, it has become so much important to find new ways to cope up with this new technology advancements. The best suitable way is to have 3D Interiors and 3D Exterior Renderings

Previously when the renderings were drawn with hands, had no use or was less preferred by the architects since, they were not able to cope up with the actual demands presented by the architectural buildings. Therefore the concepts of 3D Interior and 3D Exterior Rendering came in to the scenario. 

Distinction between Interior and Exterior – 

An interior represent everything that is inside of something. For example, house-hold interiors, furniture, fittings, carpet-area, etc.

Whereas an Exterior represent everything that packages all the interiors, acting as a container of all of the things referred in Interior. For example, outlook of the building, exterior paints, gate-decoration, store sizes, gardens, view-points etc.

Following Table clarifies the importance of both of these in detail and in diversified manner:

Importance of 3D Interior Rendering in Architectural industry
Importance of 3D Exterior Rendering in Architectural industry
(1) 3D Interior renderings provide complete illustration of the whole architectural building and gives notion of spaces inside it.
3D Exterior renderings provide complete view of the outside structure and the notion about its view from the outside.
(2) The settings like, lighting, furniture, decorative articles, sizing, and their functional parts are taken in to account.
Only the outer layer of the building is considered and residues of the outer space can be checked.
(3) There is the view of the ceiling if stood under a building and vision is diverted upwards. – This makes the client feel safer.
The sky and clouds, are mostly the objects come in to the view on seeing upwards. – This makes the client feel detached from all the nuisances.
(4) 3D interior rendering gives options for selection in wider view and the client can modify according to the liking, even after the construction is finished.
3D Exterior rendering just gives the idea of the whole structure, which cannot be changed, once a model is created. Once the construction is complete, the client can only change the outer view not attributes like shape, size and dimensions.
(5) It is more on to the functional part.
It is more on to the part to provide good view to the eyes.

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